
Showing posts from June, 2017

Red Corridor in India

              The Red corridor is the region in the eastern central and the southern part of India that experience considerable Naxalite Maoist insurgency. The Naxalites have created or are in the process of creating an alternative state structure in India it is called " Red Corridor". Tt is spread in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar,Chhattisghar Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisa,Telangana Utter Pradesh, West Bengal and some northern fringes of Tamil Nadu. Red Corridor is almost contiguous from India's border with Nepal to northern fringes of Tamil Nadu. The Naxalite Maoist insurgency is an ongoing conflict between Maoist groups known as Naxalites or Naxals and the Indian government.  After the 2004 formation of the CPI (Maoist),  a redel group consists of the PWG(People's War Group) and the MCC( Maoist communist Center). In January 2005 talks between Andhra Pradesh state government and CPI Maoists broke down and the rebels accused authorities of not addressing their dem

My collage


Green Revolution

                 The Green Revolution refer to a set of research and development of technology transfer initiatives occurring between  in 1930 and the late 1960's that increased agricultural production worldwide. The term "Green Revolution" first used in 1968 by then USAID director William Gaud. They development by Dr. Norman Borlaug. He started the agricultural development in Mexico and made it a success. Dr. Borlaug is called "father of Green Revolution", who received Noble peace Prize in 1970.  Dr. Borlaug was credited with saving over a billion people  from starvation, development of high- yielding varieties of cereal gains, expansion of irrigation infrastructure, modernization of management techniques, distribute of subsidized seeds, synthesis fertilizers and pesticides to farmers.Dr. M.S. Swaminathan was adviser of Ministry of Agricultural and He had invited Dr. Borlaug to India. In India, increase in population, there was the need to cultivate mor

White Resolution

India is the largest milk producing country in the world. India has low Milk productivity as compared to western countries, still it tops the list of largest Milk Producing company in the world because of the larger number of cattle in the country. Utter Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Hariyana and Andhra Pradesh are the largest Milk Producing States in India. India is also the largest Producer of buffalo milk in the world. In 1964-65, Intensive Cattle Development Programme(ICDP) was introduced in the country. Later on increase the speed of the white revolution, a new programme named " Operation Flood" was introduced in the country by the National Dairy Development Board. Operation Flood is considered World's  largest dairy development programme. Under this programme proportionals were employed at every level,  particularly in marketing and  applications and science and technology.  The central plank of the programme was to link the rural  producer with urban consumers.In

Dr verghese kurien

Dr.  verghese kurien was born on November 26, 1921 to an affluent Syrian Christian family in calicut, Kerala. His father puthenparakkal kurien was a civil surgeon in Brutish Cochin and his mother was a highly educated woman as well an exceptional piano player. Dr verghese kurier joined Loyola college in Madras and attained his degree in Bsc in physics. He was very active in sports and represented the college in cricket, badminton, tennis and boxing. He went to the United States of America on government scholarship where he pursued his degree in master of science in mechanical engineering. He returns to India after completion of his studies and on May 13,1949 he headed for Anand, a place in kaira district of Gujarat whee he was supposed to spend five years as an officer of dairy division in return the scholarship paid by the government. On arriving at Anand, he found that the Farmers were being exploited by the distributed of milk and the entire region was controlled by a shrewd but

Time management

                        Time management is one of key factor to success in any field of work. It is important our life and carrier. Time teaches the how to tackle difficult tast in a given space of time. It teaches the how to make the most of your time and increases our productivity and  efficient. A person who is an expert at managing time effectively. "A man who dares  to waste one hour of life has not discovered value of life." Time will not repeat itself. So get up and do what is tobe done. Developing time management skill will also help you get to know yourself a little better. First thing you must do what you want to accomplish from your life. Focusing on the things you want to achieve. Every daily cycle consists of a twenty four hour period. This is can not be changed. Sleep is as important as working throughout the day. Better sleep allows you to work more productivity. Plane your day well in advanced.prepare a to do list or task plan.  The priorities task

Increase in Technology increases the Lifespan of man's life

              In our life highly depends on Technology that people have developed. The wish to extend human lifespan has loan traditional in many cultures.Technology has the way we travel,the way we live,the way we communicate and so many changes are made these Technology. In mobile phone which is easy to use and more functionality. In mobile many work can done easily. In mobile online shopping, online examination are taken without transformation. So reduce our time and cost.Business and organizations save time and cost of production, which has advantages of business. A good example is the 3G/4G fastest internets to reach  target market with less cost of opposition. Effect of technology  both positive and negative. Positive technology has simplified the way we do things, it save the time,it increases on production,it simplified communication and it has improve our educational  environment. Technology has helped in savings the money. Woman medicine and health science have improv

Farmers strike in Maharashtra

                                             In   India more number of people are in Farmers . Farmers in Maharashtra are likely to go on June 1by cutting off milk and vegetable supplies to major cities like Mumbai and Pune. The decision was taken after the Farmer met chief Minister Devendra Fadanvis and state opposition leader Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil on Thursday. The Farmers are demanding farm loan waivers,free electricity,grant for irrigation,better price for milk and minimum support price for crop from June 1 report the Financial Express. "On Wednesday,we decided to take the actions. In first we will cut off supply of vegetables and milk to cities like Mumbai and Pune".Dhananjay Dhorde Patil, member of the Farmers coordinate committee. The committee also said that Farmers will wait till May 30 for some positive action by the government. If nothing is done,then start of kharif season in June. Swabhimani Shetakari Sanghatana leader and MP Raju Shetty will be holding an

How Digitization strengthening in India

        D igitization is the use of digital system or in term use of computer management. Everyone is in the need of huge amount of data in our day to day life for several purposes. Digital India, a much ambitious proper,was launched on 1st of July in 2015 at the India, Gandhi Indoor Stadium,Delhi in the presence of various top industrialists. It aims to make India a better governed place of the world. This project has been approved by the prime minister of India,Narendra Modi and expected to be completed by 2019. The success of this programme would be the dream comes true of Narendra Modi of servicing Indian people with e-governance.It is to facilitate Indian citizens with electronic governments services in order to reduce paperwork,improve work efficiency and save time. Digitization of India is making your daily life less dependent and devoide of human interaction with the help of technology. You can book a travel tickets,do shopping,shopping with your views to the external w

Contribution of my teachers in my life

                 CONTRIBUTIONS OF MY TEACHERS IN MY LIFE                 Teachers  play a key role in the education and students life. A person with proper vision,experience, and an education degree can enter the teaching profession. Mother is first teacher at the initial level. When the child grows he is admitted for his studies basically in school. Child gets his second teacher. Mother gives the child the basic important knowledge about life. A role model is person who inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness, and live to our fullest potential and see the best in ourselves. A role can be anybody a parent, a friend but some of our most influential and life changing role model. Teachers follow students through each stage of development. Parent, teachers and friends are the ones that made us in what we are today. They are the ones who contributed on what you know and the also influenced you on the things you like and y