White Resolution

India is the largest milk producing country in the world. India has low Milk productivity as compared to western countries, still it tops the list of largest Milk Producing company in the world because of the larger number of cattle in the country. Utter Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Hariyana and Andhra Pradesh are the largest Milk Producing States in India. India is also the largest Producer of buffalo milk in the world.
In 1964-65, Intensive Cattle Development Programme(ICDP) was introduced in the country. Later on increase the speed of the white revolution, a new programme named " Operation Flood" was introduced in the country by the National Dairy Development Board. Operation Flood is considered World's  largest dairy development programme. Under this programme proportionals were employed at every level,  particularly in marketing and  applications and science and technology.  The central plank of the programme was to link the rural  producer with urban consumers.In 1970-80 was financed by the sale of skimmeers milk powder and butter oil donated by the European union.
"In 1998, the world bank published a report on impact of dairy development in India. The Rs 200 crore the world bank invested in Operation Flood, the net return on the India's rural economy was a massive Rs 24000  crore each year over a period of 10 years to which no other  dairy programme has matched."
Dr. Varghese Kurien is called the father of white revolution in India. India produces around 17%  Milk of the world. About 80% of Milk production in the country is in the organized sector while the remaining 20% is shared equally by the cooperatives and private dairies. In India, over 1.50 lakh village lavel dairy cooperative societies,spread over 265 district in the country, collects about 26 million litter of milk per day.
Dr. Verghese Kurien, a technologist landed in Anand in 1949. He launched the GCMMF(Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation) and given brand value to Amul with the help of several other local leaders and thousands of dairy Farmers. GCMMF and Amul were beginning points of today's milk revolution as farmer Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri encouraged Dr. Kurien to launch Operation Flood. Dr. Kurien become chairman of the National Dairy Development Board. Operation Flood  had followed by the Anand model were the rural farmers cooperatives were organized at the village level and connected to the urban consumers In the form of a Milk  Grid.


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