Red Corridor in India


The Red corridor is the region in the eastern central and the southern part of India that experience considerable Naxalite Maoist insurgency. The Naxalites have created or are in the process of creating an alternative state structure in India it is called " Red Corridor". Tt is spread in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar,Chhattisghar Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisa,Telangana Utter Pradesh, West Bengal and some northern fringes of Tamil Nadu. Red Corridor is almost contiguous from India's border with Nepal to northern fringes of Tamil Nadu. The Naxalite Maoist insurgency is an ongoing conflict between Maoist groups known as Naxalites or Naxals and the Indian government.  After the 2004 formation of the CPI (Maoist),  a redel group consists of the PWG(People's War Group) and the MCC( Maoist communist Center). In January 2005 talks between Andhra Pradesh state government and CPI Maoists broke down and the rebels accused authorities of not addressing their demands for a writing truce and redistribution of land.
A Naxal or Naxalite is member of the Communist party of India(Maoist). The term Naxal derives from the name of the village Naxalbari in West Bangal, where the movement had it'fs origin. The origin can be traced to the split in 1967 of the Communist party of India(Marxist), leading to the formation of the Communist party of India. Initially the movement had it's centre in West Bengal. The term Naxalite come from  Naxalbari,  where section of the Communist party of India(Marxist) (CPI-M) led by the Charu Mujumder, Kanu Sanyal and Jangal Santhal initiated in 1967. On 18 May 1967, the Siliguri Kishan Sabha, of which Jangal was the president, declared their support for  the movement initiated by the Kanu Sanyal and their readiness to adopt the armed struggle to redistribute land to the landless. On 25May, when a police team arrive to arrest the peasant leaders. Mao Zedong provided ideological  leadership for the Naxalbari movement. A large number of urban elites were also attracted to the ideology, which spread through Charu Majumdar's writings , particularly the" Historic Eight Documents" which formed the basis Naxality ideology.
In November 1967, led by Sushital Ray Chaudhury, organized the All India Coordination Committee of Communist Revolutionaries(AICCCR). On 22April 1969, the AICCCR gave birth to the Communist party of India(Marxist-Leninist).  In 1970, Saw the spread of Naxalism to almost every state in India,barring Western India. By 1980, around 30 Naxalite group were active, with a combined membership of 30,000.
Around 1971, Naxalites gained a strong presence among the radical section of the students movement in Calcutta. Students left school to join the Naxalites. The Chief Minister, Siddhartha Shankar Ray of the Congress Party, instituted strong counter- measures against the Naxalites. The West Bengal police fought back to stop the Naxalites. In 1972, Majumdar was arrested by police and died in Alipore Jail.
In July 1971, Indira Gandhi took advantage of President's rule to mobilise the Indian Army against the Naxalites and launched a colossal combined Army and police counter- insurgency operation termed as" Operation Steeplechase", killing hundreds of Naxalites more than 20,000 suspects and cadres, including senior leaders. The Paramilitary and a brigade of Para Commandos also participated in Operation Steeplechase.
Red Corridor are among the poorest in the country. A key character of this region non-  diversified economies based solely on the primary sector- converting natural resources to primary product's.
