Contribution of my teachers in my life


               Teachers play a key role in the education and students life. A person with proper vision,experience, and an education degree can enter the teaching profession. Mother is first teacher at the initial level. When the child grows he is admitted for his studies basically in school. Child gets his second teacher. Mother gives the child the basic important knowledge about life. A role model is person who inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness, and live to our fullest potential and see the best in ourselves. A role can be anybody a parent, a friend but some of our most influential and life changing role model. Teachers follow students through each stage of development. Parent, teachers and friends are the ones that made us in what we are today. They are the ones who contributed on what you know and the also influenced you on the things you like and you not like. These people can potentially change your entire life. When we have a problem,we turn on them and ask for their advice and these advices can potentially change our entire life. Therefore parent, teachers,and friends contribute a big part of us.


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